Alyssa Jaffee is a Partner at 7wireVentures where she focuses on investments in digital healthcare and technology-enabled services that empower consumers to be better stewards of their health in today’s changing healthcare ecosystem. Alyssa sits on the board of Ayogo Health and Higi and is a board observer with Zerigo Health, NOCD, Jasper Health, and RecoveryOne.
Alyssa’s prior experience in venture capital includes her time as an investor at Pritzker Group Venture Capital, Hyde Park Angels, one of the Midwest’s largest angel organizations, and Healthbox, an early-stage healthcare innovation firm, supporting their accelerator program called the Studio. Alyssa is also a Co-Founder of TransparentCareer, a 2016 NVC winning company focused on helping people make more data-driven career decisions.
Alyssa holds a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Spanish from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago — Booth School of Business.
Alyssa first entered into digital health through cosulting and at Healthbox, an early-stage healthcare innovation firm where she supported their accelerator program called Studio. Working at this role allowed Alyssa to understand the symbiotic relationship between entrepreneurship and healthcare venture capital investing. She completely transformed the recruitment process of entrepreneurs in the accelerator program. She helped to provide opportunities and resources to help drive value. Her goal was to open up Healthbox’s network and resources to drive growth and opportunity for early stage digital health companies.
She transitioned from taking on a role as an operator to an investor. Alyssa provided insightful advice on making the transition from more of an operator role to that of an investor.
The best part about venture capital is that there isn’t one straight forward path. People from all walks of life can be really successful.
Diversity of thought is what makes a strong venture capitalist. Alyssa goes on to discuss the importance of specific foundational skills that can be helpful as a venture capitalist. For 7wire specifically, due to an operator driven model — it is imperative that those who work at 7wire have an operator background. When Alyssa hires she looks for three main things.
We look for passion for technology, particularly digital health.
We look at analytical horse-power, and the ability to get to the “so what”.
We look for what we call “original thought”.
She elaborates on the fact that many people in the industry think in the same way, and her company looks for someone who thinks in a way that is unique and who truly understands the market.
7wireVentures is motivated to empower the “Informed Connected Health Consumer”. She explains that 7wireVentures goal is helping people to become stewards of their own health and to really analyze how digital healthcare can help meet people where they are.
For us, it’s really about how we can give people access to information and resources to improve their own health outcomes.
Alyssa speaks about some of the traits that investors look for when looking to invest in a company. An understanding of the healthcare industry as a whole is essential as an entrepreneur in the digital health space. In entrepreneurs, a balance of humility and hunger is ideal. Entrepreneurs must have a drive to build and grow. Venture capital is a high pace, high flying world and entrepreneurs must have the stamina to endure this. However, humility is also an important trait in an entrepreneur. One must be willing to admit what they know and what they don’t know. Asking for help is essential. She encourages people to use the people around you and your connections.
There’s no such thing as “stranger” in the healthcare space.
Alyssa gave us some insight into the world of investing in digital healthcare and the qualities of a good entrepreneur.